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Southern California’s Most Trusted Real Estate Investors

Unlock Your Financial Future
Investing in Commercial Real Estate

Move past traditional stocks and bonds. Integrating real estate into your investment mix not only diversifies your portfolio but also introduces the distinct advantages of commercial real estate to your investment strategy.

Value Potential
Maximize returns with dual earning opportunities in commercial real estate. Benefit from steady cash distributions and a share in the profits when the property is sold. It's a smart strategy for consistent financial growth.

Portfolio Expansion
Follow the lead of global financial giants by incorporating real estate into your investment strategy. Real estate investment not only combats inflation but also diversifies your asset base, enhancing your portfolio’s resilience and potential for growth.

Hands Free
Enjoy the advantages of real estate investment without the hassle of day-to-day management. As a passive investor in commercial properties, you can sit back and watch your investment grow, leaving the management to experienced professionals.


We acquire homes in various locations and conditions. Each potential purchase undergoes thorough analysis to ensure alignment with our ROI criteria.


Our team of project managers oversees property renovations, ensuring value enhancement and seamless execution. Additionally, our property managers maintain oversight, ensuring optimal performance.


Considering the local economic landscape, we strategically decide whether to sell or rent properties. This phase marks the beginning of returns in our investment process.

Rising Above
Home by Home

Traditional Investing Pitfalls

Minimal Returns: Traditional accounts offer limited growth.
Inflation Erosion: Purchasing power diminishes over time.
Absence of Passive Income: No streams for wealth growth.

Investing with The Rising Tide Fund

Enhanced Returns: Maximize wealth-building potential.
Professional Management: Expert guidance for returns.
Stock Market Hedge: Diversify beyond stocks.
Passive Income Generation: Earn ongoing cash flow.
Diversification Opportunities: Spread risk for success.
Wealth Preservation: Secure growth and stability.

Asked Questions

What Is Private Lending?
When we have isolated a home well under market value, we give our private lenders an opportunity to fund the purchase and rehab of the home. Lenders can also earn high interest rates - generally 4 or 5 times the rates you can get on bank CDs and other Traditional Investment Plans.
How Is the Money I Invest Used?
On a new home purchase requiring renovations. The cost will be allocated to the purchase price, renovations, carrying costs, cost to resell, and also a small buffer for unexpected expenses.
Why Don’t You Get a Traditional Loan?
There are many reasons, but the primary reason is, time and negotiation leverage. Many of the homes we are purchasing are in need of a quick sale within 10-14 days. A traditional bank requires 30-45 days to close a loan. Also, our leverage is far greater when we purchase using cash funds. Many traditional home sales fall out of contract because of financing issues, and this allows us to negotiate a much lower purchase price and reduce our risk.
How Can You Afford to Pay Such High Returns?
We make our money on the purchase. We may pay very high returns, but it allows us purchase 20-30% below a retail purchaser. That instantly creates thousands of dollars in equity. Also, typically we cut out the middleman in transactions, such as: commissions, mortgage broker fees, loan fees; and our attorney costs are lower because there is less work for them to review.
Are You Really Helping Sellers?
Absolutely. With your cash funding we can offer something very few buyers can. We are buying on their timeline in as little as 10-14 days. Knowing that we’re going to renovate the home and buying in as-Is condition is a very important factor to most sellers of distressed property. They also won’t have to pay any additional fees.
Who Buys Insurance?
We do. We pay for a title search and also a title policy on the home, just as we would in a typical transaction.
What Kind of Insurance Policy Do You Get on the Home?
If we purchase a renovation, we purchase a builders risk policy (Vacant Dwelling Policy). In case of any damage, insurance distributions would be used to rebuild or repair the property, or used to pay you off.
How Much Is It Going to Cost Me to Lend to You?
It is our policy to pay for all the closing costs so that your entire investment goes to work for you. We will pay for the closing agent, document preparation fees, notary fees, overnight mail fees, bank wire fees and recording costs. We do not charge any fees or commissions to our private lenders.
What If the Market Gets Worse and Values Go Down?
This is a great question and valid concern. However, our strategy is not to speculate 3 years down the road. Our goal is to purchase quickly and sell even faster. Most of our projects are complete in 2-4 months and will be sold in 6-12 months. The market doesn’t tend to shift that dramatically in a matter of months - it’s typically a longer process for an area to decline. Remember, we’re buying in strategic areas where inventory is already low and demand is high; this greater minimizes our risk.
What Interest Rate Do You Typically Pay Your Private Lenders?
We currently pay 4-5 times what a typical bank CD is paying. Our rates will fluctuate very little all depending on the purchase price and rehab involved. Most of our lenders are paid from 12%. The lower the purchase price, we can sometimes afford to pay a little higher rate to make sure our lenders make it worth their time.
How Long Will My Funds Be Held?
The majority of our loans are set up on an 8-12 month note, but it depends on the size of the project. If we are doing a tear down and rebuild, we will have to wait on the county inspectors for approvals . This will cause delays. But, we account for all of those details upfront and will give you estimated time frame for the return on your investment.
What If I’m on a Short-Term Note and Sell the Home After Only 1 Month?
It’s extremely important to us that we do not waste your time. However, occasionally, situations may occur where we find a buyer immediately. In this scenario, we provide you with two options: we can either move the note to another property, or provide you with a minimum of 3 months interest. Most investors see the strength of our purchase ability at that point, and simply move the note to another property.
When Will I Receive Payments?
Typically, we pay one large lump sum at closing on a short-term note. This is much easier to manage for both of us, especially if we’re working out of a retirement account. On a longer note, we will pay monthly, just like a typical mortgage.
Is There a Guarantee on Your Investment?
No. There is no government backed guarantee on these privately held real estate notes. You’re deriving protection from the equity in the real estate. If at any time we were to default on the note, you have legal right to take the home (essentially foreclose on us). Many investors laugh about this one and say, “I hope you’re a day behind on payments I’d gladly take this one off your hands”. You have to remember we plan for the worst, and our homes have thousands of dollars of equity in them; and worse case scenario, often times is we don’t make “as much” as we hoped for.
Is the IRS Approved to Use Retirement Accounts in This Manner?
Yes, these are established tax guidelines, and it is completely legal. However, we always recommend the services of a custodian to invest retirement funds tax deferred or tax-free.